Dear Home

Group project in response to the live brief by Uscreate
The Brief

Imagine if you could work so successfully in preventing         homelessness, that no-one
had to go to the local authority threatened with eviction. If the homelessness team in
the local authority did not exist. What would need to happen?

What is your definition of “home”?

Dear Home is an interactive channel that creates videos according to your definition of home.

By doing so, we aim to highlight the difference between homelessness and houselessness, emphasizing the importance of feeling at home rather than merely living in a house.

Through street interviews, we collect lots of people’s drawings of their ideal homes using our designed template. Based on the drawings, we made a collection of shot films. While making the 3D models of different home definitions, we aim to keep the original style and understanding of home. In the films, we combined real life persons into these rooms using green screen in order to create a lively result. A part of the dear home series is shown below with the original drawings.

In order to make this project a more continuous and interactive process, we built a website that shares the short videos we made with more audience. At the same time, the website acts as a platform that collects more drawings of idea homes online and reply the participants with re-designed videos we made based on their drawings.

Dear Home Poster and Website