Gym/Chocolate Factory

Group Project
This is an experimental group project to explore the association of design with environment through studying the history, function and social activities of Wenninton Green (in Western London) and proposing a design-related alteration.

Wennington Green is a Northern part of Mile End Park, located in the London Borough of Tower Hamlet. The area within the park used to be an industrial land devastated by bombing in World War II. Mile End Park includes 7 different parts, each with a different theme. Wennington Green focuses on athletics and health as we can tell from the outdoor gym area. There are also Olympics associated elements such as the Olympic rings painted on the floor, the graffiti on the wall and the overall shape in London Olympic Logo.

Wennington Green photos (Left)
10:1 model (Right)

Wennington Green was once the site of a chocolate and confectionery factory called Fredrick Allen & Sons before they moved out in 1904. We are intrigued by the contrast of healthy side (gym) and unhealthy side (chocolate and nos canisters) in one site. Therefore, we decided to bring the history of being a chocolate factory into the gym area. We achieve this by designing additional devices on gym equipments that turns the motion of body building into chocolate making.