Life Data

Exhibited at Whitecity RCA

This is a speculative project about the DNA data storage on human.
If data can be directly stored to human DNA, what will be stored?

We’re overwhelmed by information.

According to International Data Corporation (IDC), the volume of Global data output in 2025 will reach 175 ZB and the production of current mainstream storage media will be overwhelmed

To meet the requirements of big data storage, companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Apple and others are looking for solutions other than silicon-based chips.

Nature offers a potential solution: DNA. DNA is the storage system for all life-regulating instructions and codes. Not only is DNA abundant and sustainable, its storage density is far greater than current data storage media, and it can be preserved and accessed for at least hundreds of thousands of years.

Human DNA Data Storage (HDDS) program is carrying out experiments of utilizing nonfunctional stream of human DNA for a more secured, long-lasting information storage. Studies have found that, among all the living creatures, human DNA is most likely to be found and studied by the future humans.

Exhibited on Blinded by Science Exhibition for feedbacks and reflection